The CNPD participates in the Bâloise Cybersecurity Day

On Thursday 20 June, Bâloise organised a new edition of its Cybersecurity Day to raise awareness among its employees. At the heart of its Village, a shared space open to all the company's employees, several workshops and conferences focused on the digital risks to which everyone is exposed on a personal level.

On behalf of the CNPD, Vincent Legeleux, IT expert, and Edith Malhière, head of the Controls Analysis department, spoke on the theme Raising awareness of Cyber risks among our nearest and dearest means ensuring a safer future.

Throughout the morning of 20 June, employees were invited to take part in two conferences and various workshops held on the insurance company's premises, in collaboration with a number of local players. They were also able to take part in a quiz and discussions on future risks and cyber security issues.

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