


  1. Data Protection Basics training session (in French)

    Target audience This 5-hour training course is aimed at individuals, both personal and professional, who are interested in but new to data protection. Its aim is to explain the main principles of privacy and personal data protection, so that the...

  2. Data Protection Basics training session (in English)

    Target audience This 5-hour training course is aimed at individuals, both personal and professional, who are interested in but new to data protection. Its aim is to explain the main principles of privacy and personal data protection, so that the...

  3. Data Protection Basics training session (in French)

    Target audience This 5-hour training course is aimed at individuals, both personal and professional, who are interested in but new to data protection. Its aim is to explain the main principles of privacy and personal data protection, so that the...


  1. Alto questionnaire

    ALTO, a GDPR self-assessment tool

    The objective of the ALTO project ( "DAta Protection CompLiance SupporT TOolkit") is to provide SMEs with a simple, intuitive and free self-assessment tool enabling them to integrate the GDPR obligations into their activity.