Direct complaint
You can exercise your right of access and rectification at any time by contacting the data controller during the collection, storage, use or processing of the data.
You have the right to request details about the personal information on record and about its use, you also have the right to demand that any data not processed in accordance with the law be deleted.
Send your request for information in writing preferably by registered mail. The data controller has to send you that information for free. The controller may ask you additional information necessary to confirm your identity, if he has reasonable doubts about it.
File a complaint with the CNPD
If your complaint sent directly to the administration, company, association, professional or independent remains unanswered (or if such a claim is difficult, if not impossible given the circumstances), you can contact the National Commission. Handling complaints from concerned citizens is among the missions of the data protection authority.
The CNPD can prohibit a processing operation in case of non-compliance with the law. It may also order the deletion of data and refer the matter to the state prosecutor. Penalties may be imposed in case of infringement.
It is strongly recommended to submit your complaint by using our online form, which allows the CNPD to process your complaint more swiftly.
Referral to the court
If you are not satisfied by the actions taken by the National Commission, you are still entitled to apply to the court. In this case, it may be necessary to contact a lawyer who can advise you.
Legal action is also essential if you want to claim damages for breach of your rights to privacy.