Call for contributions

How is your organisation implementing the right of access? Participate in our consultation before July 15!

Participate in our questionnaire on the right of access

To better understand the implementation of the right of access in practice, the CNPD invites all organisations – be they small, medium, or large, from the public or private sector – to take part in our consultation questionnaire on the subject matter.


In 2023, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) adopted Guidelines on data subject rights - Right of access to help organisations respond to data access requests from individuals in line with the requirements set out in the GDPR.

The EDPB selected the right of access for its third coordinated enforcement action, as it is at the heart of data protection and one of the most frequently exercised data protection rights, and one Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) receive many complaints about. In particular, it enables individuals to check whether their personal data is processed in a compliant manner by organisations. In addition, it often enables the exercise of the other data protection rights, such as the right to rectification and erasure.

A European Initiative

28 DPAs across the EEA will take part in this initiative on the implementation of the right of access. It is part of the Coordinated Enforcement Framework (CEF) action for 2024 by the EDPB. The purpose of recurring annual coordinated actions is to promote compliance, to empower data subjects to exercise their rights, to raise awareness, and to increase the knowledge of DPAs.

The results of the joint initiative will be analysed in a coordinated manner and aggregated in order to generate deeper insight into the topic. Once the answers have been collected and analysed, both the EDPB and the CNPD will publish a report on the outcome of this survey , including relevant conclusions drawn from the questionnaire as well as potential lessons learned resulting from it.

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