The CNPD was represented at the Luxembourg Internet Days organised by LU-CIX on 19 and 20 November 2024 at the Chamber of Commerce. The Commission explained its missions and activities to the participants and presented its recent initiatives, in particular DAAZ and Sandkëscht. CNPD staff also responded to questions and requests from interested parties.

On the first day of the conference, Sadia Berdaï, a legal expert at the CNPD, gave a presentation on Opensource Intelligence (OSINT). She explained the collection and analysis of publicly available information and the associated methodology, before going on to discuss related commercial practices. Ms Berdaï gave an overview of the obligations arising from the GDPR and clarified the legal aspects concerning OSINT in terms of personal data protection.

Organised by LU-CIX, Luxembourg Internet Days (LID) is a leading event for discussions and meetings in Luxembourg and the Greater Region for professionals in the Internet and cybersecurity ecosystem. They combine inspiring conferences, round tables and interactive workshops, as well as an exhibition featuring 46 exhibitors. Every year, the LID welcomes over 1,100 trade visitors to discuss the challenges of Internet, network and cloud security, and to explore trends in attacks and hidden vulnerabilities. It is also an excellent opportunity to discover protection and resilience solutions, strengthen proactive defence strategies and consolidate the knowledge and skills of professionals operating in critical infrastructures and industries, as well as local or regional authorities and municipalities.

Connectivity, network security and resilience were the main themes to help Internet operators and business users remain vigilant and responsive to counter all types of attacks, including the most innovative volumetric or application DDoS attacks, and to obtain guidelines to prepare for the implementation of the NIS2 directive.