Save the date! On 28 January 2025, the CNPD is organising a conference entitled "Comprendre les enjeux de l’Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) - Quand l’utilisation de sources d’information publiques rencontre la protection des données personnelles" to mark International Data Protection Day.
What is OSINT?
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) involves collecting and analysing publicly available information from a variety of sources, including social networks, websites and public databases. This method, which is widely used in the fields of cybersecurity and investigations, makes it possible to anticipate threats and resolve incidents without resorting to intrusive means.
However, OSINT can pose challenges in terms of privacy protection. The ease of access to public personal data and its in-depth analysis can lead to breaches of individual confidentiality. Although the information is open and public, its aggregation and use can reveal sensitive details, raising ethical and legal issues. legal.
- Opening address │Tine A. Larsen, President of the CNPD
- OSINT: what are we talking about? │Pierre-Alberic Trouplin, Cybersecurity Consultant, CBTW
- OSINT: What are the risks for the people concerned? │Vincent Legeleux, IT Expert, CNPD
- OSINT and personal data protection │Sadia Berdaï, Lawyer, CNPD
- Risks and benefits associated with public data │Regina Becker, ELSI Fellow, LNDS
- Round table: Use of public data and trustworthy methods Thomas Dominique, Director IGSS │Regina Becker, LNDS │Pierre Alberic Trouplin, CBTW │ Moderator: Marc Lemmer, CNPD Commissioner
Tuesday, 28 January 2025 from 9.30am to 12.00pm
CNPD, NAOS building / ARHS lecture theatre
15, Boulevard du Jazz
L-4370 Belvaux
You can register for the conference by sending an email to evenements@cnpd.lu.