28. Januar 2020: Datenschutztag

Data Privacy Day - Take control of your privacy

Am 28. Januar 2020 hat die CNPD am "Data Privacy Day" teilgenommen, einer jährlichen Veranstaltung, die von Restena und der Universität Luxemburg im Rahmen des Datenschutztages organisiert wird.

Data Privacy Day - "Take control of your data"



8.30 Registration
09.00 Welcome speech 
Christophe Buschmann, Commissioner of the National Commission for Data Protection (Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données – CNPD)
09.15 “Challenges of GDPR implementation in public research sector”
Sandrine Munoz, Data Protection Officer at the University of Luxembourg
Laurent Prévotat, Data Protection Officer at Luxembourg Institute of Health
Chloë Lellinger, Data Protection Officer at Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research
Topic: Three DPOs of Public research institutions will share their experience 20 months following the application of the General Data Protection Regulation and one year before the launch of the Horizon Europe research program on 1st January 2021. Using their experience the DPOs will introduce the specificities of GDPR implementation in public research and especially in their institution having their own particularities. They will focus on the key challenges such as legal qualifications of partners of a research project, Data Protection Impact Assessment, transfer of personal data to third countries and reuse of data. They will provide a few examples and their feed-back about how they handle it in their institutions.
09.45 “Feedback on the CNPD governance investigation” 
Christophe Buschmann, Commissioner at National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD)
Topic: On-site inspections and audits
10.15 “DPIA and Privacy by Design:  2 different requirements!”
Mélanie Gagnon, CEO and Founder MGSI
10.45 Coffee Break
11.15 “Privacy for everyone: practical tips”
Steve Muller, Cybersecurity specialist at BEE SECURE
Topic: Cookies, private browsing, app permissions, Internet of things, phishing, password managers, two-factor-authentication
11.45 “Maintaining motivation in crowdsourced projects and the implications of GDPR: the case study of Crowdmap-the-Crusades”
Emma Goodwin, APDL board member at Association pour la Protection des Données à Luxembourg (APDL)
Topic: This presentation will consider the question of motivation in citizen science crowdsourcing projects, specifically in relation to virtual reward systems and the impact of GDPR on this field of research. Crowdsourcing involves the leveraging of public participation in projects and activities. This talk will examine the ways in which crowdsourcing and social engagement interrelate, in the context of a public desirous of the same and more social interactions than they had in ‘pre-digital’ days. Using the case study of Crowdmap-the-Crusades, a digital citizen science project begun six years ago at the University of Oxford by Emma Goodwin, this presentation will explore the results and experience of the public Medieval French Transcription Competition held at the University of Luxembourg in October 2019. It will focus on how participants’ motivation was maintained whilst taking account of GDPR and informed consent requirements. The final part of the talk will address GDPR legislation specific to academic projects in Luxembourg. Possible approaches to project planning in order to incorporate GDPR requirements from project inception, planning, documentation through to execution will be set out, together with suggestions of useful sources of information and advice available to researchers based in Luxembourg. This presentation will be of interest to both academics and those working in or advising university administration in roles linked to data protection, project management and delivery.
12.15 Gail Kent, Director Communications Networks, Content & Technology, Data at European Commission
12.45 End

28. Januar: Datenschutztag

Der Europarat organisiert alljährlich am 28. Januar mit Unterstützung der EU-Kommission den Europäischen Datenschutztag. Dieser Tag bietet den Datenschutzbehörden die Gelegenheit, das Bewusstsein in Bezug auf die Rechte der Bürger im Bereich des Datenschutzes zu stärken und diese auf die Wichtigkeit des Schutzes der Privatsphäre aufmerksam zu machen.

Warum am 28. Januar? Es handelt sich um das Datum an dem die „Konvention 108“ des Europarates zur Unterzeichnung ausgelegt wurde (28. Januar 1981). Diese Konvention stellt im Bereich des Datenschutzes nach wie vor die internationale rechtliche Referenz dar. Seit 39 Jahren schützt das Gesetz die Bürger vor dem Missbrauch ihrer Daten und sorgt für Transparenz bei der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Informationen.


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