
  1. Data protection in the financial sector

    The CNPD was contacted by the EFPA (European Financial Planning Association) to contribute to their new guide for professionals in the financial sector. EFPA is an association offering a continuing education programme for finance professionals. The book, entitled ‘EFPA Digitalization...

  2. Die CNPD wünscht Ihnen frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr 2025! The CNPD wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025! La CNPD vous souhaite un joyeux Noël et une excellente année 2025 !

  3. The EDPB (European Data Protection Board) has adopted an opinion on the use of personal data in the development and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) models. The CNPD strongly recommends becoming familiar with and reading this document. This opinion presents...

  4. On 11 December 2024, Mr Arnaud Habran, Head of the Guidance Division at the CNPD, took part in a webinar organised by the LETZPACT association, which brings together the public affairs community in Luxembourg. Founded in April 2021, this association...

  5. The CNPD is once again pleased to be collaborating on International Human Rights Day ("Journée internationale des droits de l'Homme"), which will be held on 10 December 2024 in Dommeldange. The annual event is organised by the Consultative Commission on...

  6. The CNPD was represented at the Luxembourg Internet Days organised by LU-CIX on 19 and 20 November 2024 at the Chamber of Commerce. The Commission explained its missions and activities to the participants and presented its recent initiatives, in particular...

  7. The Luxembourg Internet Days (LID) will be held at the Chamber of Commerce in Kirchberg on 19 and 20 November 2024. The CNPD will be present with a stand and will give a presentation. Organised by LU-CIX, the Luxembourg Internet...

  8. Target audience This 5-hour training course is aimed at individuals, both personal and professional, who are interested in but new to data protection. Its aim is to explain the main principles of privacy and personal data protection, so that the...

  9. On November 18 and 19, 2024, the CNPD participated in the 74th meeting of the International Working Group on Data Protection in Technology ("Berlin Group"). Since its establishment in 1983 in Berlin, Germany, the Group has been observing trends and...

  10. In Jersey, Channel Islands

    Tine A. Larsen, chair of the CNPD, and Solène Bennet, European and International Relations Officer, attended the 46th Global Privacy Assembly in Jersey, UK. The agenda for the annual meeting of the Global Privacy Assembly included a welcome reception on...

  11. Organised by the ATTF

    The CNPD was a proud partner of the "Digitalisation in Banking - Driving the Digital Transformation in your Bank" conference organised by the Agence de Transfert de Technologie Financière (or Financial Technology Transfer Agency, ATTF) from the 11th to the...

  12. Luxembourg Software Testing Event The CNPD is supporting the Luxembourg Software Testing Event being held at Belval (Digital Learning Hub, Terres

  13. On October 24, 2024, Marc Lemmer, Commissioner at the CNPD, will be a guest speaker for the AI course for MBA students at HEC Liège Luxembourg. He will provide valuable insights into the critical role of data privacy in AI,...

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