28 janvier 2021: Journée internationale de la protection des données

Data Privacy Day 2021 - Take control of your privacy

Le 28 janvier 2021, la CNPD participera au Data Privacy Day organisé par la Fondation Restena et l'Université du Luxembourg dans le cadre de la Journée de la protection des données.

Le Data Privacy Day est un événement annuel pour les personnes qui s'intéressent à la protection des données et la protection de la vie privée. L'objectif est de sensibiliser et de promouvoir les meilleures pratiques en la matière aux niveaux européen et international.

Monsieur Marc Lemmer, commissaire de la CNPD, y tiendra un exposé intitulé "Updates from the CNPD: How COVID-19 shaped our work in 2020”.


La conférence aura lieu en mode virtuel le 28 janvier 2021 à partir de 9h00.

8.45 Opening of the online event
09.00 Welcome speech 
Gilles Massen, Director of the Restena Foundation
09.15 “Transfers of personal data to third countries in an academic context”
Sandrine Munoz, Data Protection Officer at University of Luxembourg
09.45 “Updates from the CNPD: Feedback from CNPD about what they experienced during the COVID-19 crisis” 
Marc Lemmer, Commissioner at National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD)
10.15 “How to deal with « personal data » in the context of R&D collaboration agreements ?”
Vincent Wellens, Partner IP & Tech law, Avocat à la Cour, NautaDutilh
Topic: Personal data sensitive R&D collaborations are numerous in life and social sciences but how to deal with the processing of personal data when there are several research entities that rely on these data? Are they joint controllers and equally responsible for the compliance with data protection legislation and the GDPR in particular?
10.45 Break
11.15 “Privacy without (hardly) any compromises: a tool set”
Steve Muller, Cybersecurity specialist at BEE SECURE
Topic: Recent legislation sets common privacy-friendly rules for the data economy. That’s nice and all, but criminals are not impressed. This talk presents a few simple tricks & tools that you can apply yourself to protect your data from those who do not stick to the common rules.
11.45 “How to implement technically the right to be forgotten”
Michael Hoffman, Vice President of Association pour la Protection des Données à Luxembourg (APDL)
Topic: Right to be forgotten, data preservation/retention and deletion
12.15 Session 6
European Commission
12.45 End

Dernière mise à jour