Conférence RAID : Changing data regulatory environments

Le 10 octobre, la CNPD participe à une table ronde à la conférence RAID numérique "New Tech Governance for the New Globalization". 

Le thème du panel est "Changing Data Regulatory Environments – How can data regulation evolve to improve access, fairness and certainty while stimulating competitive markets? What are the challenges and opportunities of interoperability? What are the concerns around data sharing for public and private sector organisations?".

Les intervenants sont:

  • Alain Herrmann, Commissaire, CNPD – Luxembourg
  • Federico Milani, Deputy Head of the Data Policy and Innovation Unit, DG Connect, European Commission
  • Axel Voss, Member, European Parliament
  • Prof. Christiane Wendehorst, Scientific Director, European Law Institute
  • Modérateur: Neil Clements, Telecommunications, Media and Technology Partner, Deloitte



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